There are two things a Soldier never wants to run short of: Bullets and Blood. For Psi Delta Tau Military Fraternity, giving blood is our call to action. We make every effort to support our service members by conducting a blood drive once a quarter annually.
Working with the Red Cross and the Big Red bus, we fight to ensure that we never have a shortage of blood when and where our Service Men and Women need it!

When faced with the problems this world sends our way, it is normal that some need help. While on active duty there are a number of services offered. At Psi Delta Tau, we do our best to provide help to veterans that need it, when they need it!
From Feeding Homeless Vets, placing wreaths on graves of the fallen, to helping with home maintenance, even pledging 10% of our annual national membership dues to defray costs of Medical Aide for those that need it. Now we've set our sights on raising money to lobby for Veteran’s rights on Capital Hill in Washington.

The men of Psi Delta Tau Military Fraternity stand together against domestic violence and human trafficking. We believe we need to take an active roll in keeping Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking out of our Ranks.
Being ProActive and not ReActive, Preventing the situations from happening in the first place, and not putting a bandage on the wounds!!!

Being part of an Elite Military Brotherhood means thinking about tomorrow. For this reason, we take Direct Action with a hand-on approach to volunteering with the JROTC & ROTC at schools surrounding our local Chapters.
Having strong educated leadership is important today and will be important tomorrow. We choose to invest into The US Armed Forces and the lowest levels through Psi Delta Tau grants to college students enrolled in ROTC programs..

Of the 2% of Americans that join the military, a staggering 80% of the homeless in America are military veterans. Clearly, transitioning from the military is not a simple process, and Psi Delta Tau likes to assist with this transition.
Linking service members to supporting organizations to ensure they are able to establish a career as a civilian. We also provide education to ensure service members know how to apply for the VA benefits.